When and if credit is granted by C & S HARDWARE, INC., to the applicant it is understood and agreed by the undersigned
that the terms of sale are NET 30 days: 1½% per month will be charged on all amounts past due, our terms. Any dispute,
disagreement, conflict of interpretation or claims between the parties hereto which exceeds the aggregate sum of $3,000.00
shall be determined by arbitration.
When and if this account is placed in the hands of an attorney or collection agency for collection of any
amounts unpaid and owing, the applicant and buyer agrees to pay attorney’s fees or collection agency
fees for collection in addition to the amount of the unpaid balance due and owing including service and
interest charges. Any merchandise furnished remains property of C & S HARDWARE, INC. until paid
for in full. We charge 10% for handling of goods returned. All claims and returned goods must be
accompanied by its original invoice.
The undersigned applicant for credit agrees that the enclosed information is submitted for the purpose
of obtaining credit from C&S HARDWARE, INC.